Product Bundles

Packages Designed For YOUR Needs

C-Coach offers four levels of service, each designed to cater to different organisational needs. These product bundles are Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, each level is iterative, i.e. Silver includes Bronze, Gold includes Silver and Bronze etc.

1. Bronze Level: Licence and Administration Support

The Bronze level service provides organisations with comprehensive software, a defined skills framework, and extensive curated development content, enabling large-scale change. It offers personalised development journeys for individuals, advanced leadership tools for managers, strategic modules for executives, and robust support for administrators.

The Bronze level includes the software, defined skills framework, up to 4200 pieces of curated development content and administrative support needed to mobilise change at scale within an organisation. Licences are provided to suit role level needs, there are four licence levels with incremental content and features:

  • Individuals: Personalised development journeys, access to development content, and four competence modules for self-development.
  • Leaders: Includes everything in the Individual category, plus a leadership module focused on managing others, additional functionalities for team management, and access to team level data.
  • Exec and Entrepreneurship: Additional modules for those running businesses and setting the strategy, including team/department level data.
  • Administration: Designed for administrators managing organisational change, offering comprehensive assistance for system set up, system usage guidance and troubleshooting, data interpretation and system utilisation.

This holistic approach enhances talent acquisition and retention, improves remote work management, boosts employee engagement, and strengthens training and development programs. By addressing mental health and wellbeing alongside management and leadership development, the service builds a resilient, high-performing workforce and cultivates a positive organisational culture.



Module Name



Personal Wellbeing

The state of complete mental, physical and social wellbeing


Personal Brand

The characteristics you want to be known for


Optimising Interactions

The interpersonal skills required to build positive relationships 


Innovation & Transformation

Creating an environment of continual improvement


Execute with Excellence

Effectively delivering your promises

Leader License includes all in individual plus


Building World Class Teams

Optimising the productivity and welfare of teams

Exec License includes all in individual and leader plus


Setting the Direction

Defining a compelling strategy to succeed in a competitive marketplace


Business Intelligence

Understanding and responding to the business ecosystem

2. Silver Level: Manager Workshops

Silver – Includes Bronze level

The Silver level offers two comprehensive workshops aimed at transforming managers into effective leaders. These workshops focus on self-leadership and leadership of others, essential for driving organisational success and fostering a culture of excellence future proofing organisational success. 

Workshop Details

Self-Leadership Workshop:

Objective: To help managers understand and develop the mindset necessary for effective self-leadership and to differentiate between management and leadership roles.

The workshop covers: Self-leadership, overcoming fears, fostering a growth mindset, building trust, and key leadership qualities. It helps participants develop a personal leadership brand and transition from managers to effective leaders by adopting new approaches.

Leadership of Others Workshop

Objective: To provide managers with the tools and techniques to effectively lead and inspire their teams, fostering open communication and accountability in office and hybrid working environments.

The workshop covers: Leading others by understanding leadership responsibilities and its impact on team performance, using the C-Coach system for team management, fostering open communication, providing practical leadership tools, overcoming outdated practices, and building a supportive leadership community for continuous development.


  • Cohort-Based Learning: Workshops are conducted online in cohorts of up to 12 people, ensuring a supportive learning environment.
  • Community Building: Participants form a community of leaders to support each other through organisational changes.

The Silver Level workshops transform managers into effective leaders by equipping them with essential leadership skills and fostering self-awareness. Managers develop a personal leadership brand, overcome fears, and cultivate a growth mindset, leading to continuous personal and team development. The workshops ensure managers adhere to consistent leadership practices aligned with company-defined standards.

Organisations benefit from improved team dynamics, enhanced collaboration, and a culture of leadership that drives overall performance. These workshops build internal leadership competence, ensuring long-term success and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence, while effectively managing the challenges of hybrid work practices and maintaining consistent leadership standards.

3. Gold Level: Line Manager Group Coaching Sessions

Gold – Includes Bronze and Silver

The Gold level includes group coaching sessions for line managers, held at 3, 6, 9, and 12-month intervals. These sessions are designed to address current challenges and foster continuous leadership development, enabling managers to excel in their roles and drive organisational success.

Session Details

  • Facilitated Coaching: Managers bring their current challenges to sessions where peers and facilitators provide solutions and upskilling. This collaborative approach harnesses the collective expertise of the group, leading to innovative problem-solving and shared learning experiences.
  • Accountability and Progress Tracking: Sessions promote accountability, continuous improvement, and transparent progress tracking, ensuring that managers stay on course and achieve their developmental goals.


  • Leadership Skills Development: The sessions emphasise the enhancement of critical leadership skills, including strategic thinking, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. This development is essential for managers to lead effectively and inspire their teams.
  • Collaboration and Connection: By bringing managers together, these sessions foster a collaborative environment where ideas and best practices are exchanged. This connection strengthens relationships and builds a cohesive leadership community within the organisation.
  • Culture of Continuous Improvement: The focus on ongoing leadership development and problem-solving cultivates a culture of continuous improvement. Managers are encouraged to proactively address challenges and drive positive change within their teams.
  • Utilising the Skills of People: Leveraging the diverse skills and perspectives of participants, the sessions tap into the collective intelligence of the group. This utilisation of internal talent fosters innovative solutions and enhances organisational capability.
  • Internal Competence to Drive Performance: By equipping managers with the necessary skills and support, these sessions build internal competence that drives performance. Managers become more effective in their roles, leading to improved team performance and organisational outcomes.
  • Community Support: Building a strong support network among managers is a key feature of these sessions. This community of practice provides ongoing support, encouragement, and accountability, helping managers sustain changes and drive long-term performance improvements.

Through these Gold Level Line Manager Group Coaching Sessions, organisations can cultivate a robust leadership pipeline, enhance organisational culture, and achieve sustained performance excellence.

4. Platinum Level: Consultancy and Survey

Includes Bronze, Silver and Gold

The Platinum level offers bespoke consultancy services and surveys to tailor the C-coach system to an organisation’s specific needs. This includes executive sessions, process reviews, and strategic alignment.

Consultancy Details

  • Executive Interviews and HR Process Review: In-depth interviews with executives and review of existing HR processes to identify valuable, redundant, and missing processes.
  • Vision and Strategy Development: Establishes a clear vision, measures of success, policies, and expectations for the organisation.


  • Customised Solutions: Tailored recommendations and strategies to integrate C-coach into existing processes for optimal performance.
  • Strategic Alignment: Ensures that organisational measures, rewards, and development areas align with the desired outcomes.

The Platinum level consultancy services provide tailored solutions that align with an organisation’s specific needs, driving optimal performance and strategic alignment. This service enhances overall efficiency and effectiveness by optimising HR practices and establishing clear organisational goals. The customised approach fosters a strong leadership culture, encourages collaboration, and builds internal competence. It ensures consistent standards and expectations, supporting productivity and creating a positive workplace environment. Ultimately, this comprehensive service future-proofs the organisation, ensuring resilience and long-term success in both traditional and hybrid working environments.


By offering these four distinct levels, C-coach ensures that organisations can select the service bundle that best fits their needs. These services help organisations create internal competence, operate effectively in hybrid working environments, support productivity, foster a positive workplace culture, and future-proof the organisation for resilience and success.

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